
Showing posts from June 15, 2020

The Rattrap

              The Rattrap Summary                         A rattrap peddler went around selling small rattraps. His clothes were in rags. His cheeks were hollow. He had the look of a starved man. He made wire traps. He begged the material from stores and big farms. Sometimes he resorted to begging and a little stealing to survive. The world had never been kind to him. He had no home, no shelter.                       The peddler led a lonely life. One day while he was thinking about his rattraps, an idea struck him. He thought that the world itself was a rattrap. As soon as anybody touched it, the trap closed on them. He was amused to think of some people who were already trapped, and some others who were trying to reach the bait in the trap. It was a cold evening in December. He reached a cottage on the roadsi...

The Deep Water

                                 THE DEEP WATER                                        SUMMARY   About DEEP WATER The lesson ‘deep water’ is taken from ‘Of Man and Mountains’ by William Douglas. It describes how as a young boy, the narrator was nearly drowned in a swimming pool. In this essay, he talks about his fear of water and thereafter how he finally overcame it. 1. Decided to learn to swim The narrator decided to learn to swim there was a pool at Y.M.C.A. It offered him a good opportunity. Swimming in the Yakima River was quite dangerous. His mother had warned against it. But the Y.M.C.A pool was safe for swimming. It was 2 to 3 feet deep at the shallow end. At the deep end, it was nine feet. William Douglas had a fear of water from the beginning. On...