Title : The Never - Never Nest Author : Cedric Mount Genre : An One Act Play (Comic) Theme : Buy Now Pay Later - Marketing System Introduction: This comic one act play ‘The Never - Never Nest’ is written by Cedric Mount. This drama exposes the ‘Buy Now Pay Later” marketing system. The main characters of the play are Jack, his wife Jill, Aunt Jane and Nurse who takes care of the baby. Jack’s economic background Jack and Jill, the couple, called their house a little nest. Jack’s salary was six pound a week. But he has his own house, a car, nice furniture and a radiogram. But actually he does not own them. He has purchased all the cozy things on installments. The installments came to more than seven pounds! For the extra 2 pounds he would borrow from the Thrift and Providence Trust Corporation. Aunt Jane’s comment Jane was Jack’s Aunt. She had the principle of “ready cash” and she never borrowed money from others. One day she visited Jack and Jill. She...
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