A Letter during COVID times
Dear Friend,
Today, we are facing the biggest
challenge (COVID19) in spite of advanced technology in place. The unforeseen
pandemic has made me realise the importance of life. My outlook towards life
has completely changed and entered a moulding stage and I am trying to make
sure it shapes in a way covering broader perspective towards LIFE and DEATH.
You should also take care of
yourself. Always wear the mask and keep the safe distance from others. Avoid going
in crowded place. Wash your hands frequently.
Now coming to my tapping
viewpoints towards life, never ever have I imagined such a big scale lockdown
in India. It is unplanned and disorganised, but we had to bow down. Which
prompted to ask myself a question, will I be able to survive happily if nothing
is planned? The answer is definitely yes for survival, but for happiness I am
yet not sure. But it has some positive impact also. The environment is so peaceful
and calm without traffic interruption, noisy background, pollution, unwanted
public anger. I feel so blessed to experience such an environment forgoing the
fear of contracting COVID (Note: I take all due precautions to be safe and I
respect and salute the patrolling officials). Here I have to ask, can we
collectively accomplish such harmony and peace once the situation gets back to
normalcy? (I hope you can fetch in your opinion.)
With Love,