
Showing posts from January 30, 2021
  MODEL ANSWERS PRE BOARD JANUARY- 2021 SECTION-A (READING) Q1. Read the passage and on the basis of your understanding of the passage answer the questions given below:                                                             (20) 1.1 Answer each of the questions given below by choosing the most appropriate option:      (1X5=5)   (i)                   d) pacifism (ii)                 d) role of peace makers (iii)                c) philosophical pacifisms (iv)               b) dog kennel   (v)                 a) there was no fortification and very few weapons 1.2 Answer the following questions briefly:         (1X7=7) (i) In India war was never treated as an ideal. It was only tolerated as unavoidable and inevitable. (ii) In spite of their belief in Pacifism India made all attempts to take it as last option. Its role was that of peacemakers. (iii) Aryans practiced the Doctrine of Pacifism in their personal life and preached it to masses. (iv) Ahimsa is the