
Showing posts from July 22, 2021

A short story by my eight year's old daughter

Dear friends,                         Sometimes our children has so much talent that we do not come to know. Just last night I was searching for some papers and found my eight year's old daughter's diary. I had given her that diary about six months back. When I unfolded her diary I was surprised to see that there were so many things written. On one page I saw this beautiful story. I was shocked by her imagination. Immediately I decided that I will publish her story in my blog. I appeal to all the parents that please don't ignore your child's talent even if it's a negligible one. Please encourage your children. Do read this story and give blessings to my daughter.  Dear parents, If your child has also any talent please send it to me with their photograph. I will definitely publish it in my blog.                                                            THANK YOU