
Showing posts from November 16, 2021

Rich vs Poor

                        What is the difference between  poverty and  richness. Poverty or richness has nothing to do  with wealth. Even if a wealthy man thinks that he does not have enough money then I think he is the poorest man on the planet. Do you know which country is the happiest country in the world? Most of you may think that it's USA or Britain. They are the wealthy country but not the happiest country in the world. If you really wants to know, see this report from world happiness report 2021. It says;                          Finland has been ranked as the happiest country in the world. The Nordic nation is followed by Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and Norway. Pakistan is on 105th, Bangladesh on 101st and China on 84th, according to the report.   I ndia has been ranked 139 out of 149 countries.                         Poverty or richness is the state of mind. If you are satisfied with your life, you are not a poor man. Even in my bad day&