Examples of important Notice
1. You are Ravi/Rachna. As the
President of the Cultural Forum of your school, you are going to organize an
inter-school dance competition on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee
Celebration of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the
students of your school about this competition. (CG 2020 Set A,B,C)
RKR Govt higher Secondary School
August 17th, 2019
Inter-school Dance Competition
Our school is going to
organize an inter-school dance competition for classes 6 to 12 on September.8th
at the school auditorium. We invite all the students, who are interested in
dancing to register your names in the school office by 25th of this month. For
further details, contact the undersigned.
President (Cultural
2. You are Vivek, the Cultural Secretary of your
school. You are going to organize and inter-school singing competition as a
part of the annual day celebrations in your school. Write a notice for the
school notice board informing the students about the event.
RKR Govt higher Secondary School
August 17th, 2019
Inter-school Singing Competition
This is to inform that our school is going to
organize an inter-school singing competition for classes 6 to 12 on September 8th
at the school auditorium as part of the annual day celebration in our school We
invite all the students, who are interested in singing to register your names in
the school office by 25th of this month. For further details, contact the
President (Cultural
3. You are Shikha/Sunil, Head
Girl/Boy of DAV Public School, Bhilai. Write a notice for your school notice
board, inviting volunteers for a day long blood donation camp to be organized
by the Red Cross Society of India. (CG 2022 Set A,B,C)
DAV Public School
25th August, 20XX
Blood Donation Camp
It is hereby informed to all the students that our
school has decided to organize a blood donation camp on 3rd September at 10 am
to 2 pm. in the school ground. The
collected blood will be given to the Red Cross Society, Kolkata.
Students who want to donate blood should register
their names to the countersigned before 31st August. For more details, please
contact the undersigned.
Head girl/boy
D.A.V. Public School, Raipur
Date:- 10 May, 20XX
Educational Tour to Bhoramdev during Summer
Our school has planned a three-day educational tour
to Bhoramdev, Kawadha from the 18th to the 21st of May during the summer
vacation. Students desirous to join this trip may give in their names along
with the money and a consent letter from their parents to the undersigned
latest by the 16th of May. For more details contact their respective class
Megha Sen
School Pupil Leader
You are Nandita Sahni/Narayan Dubey, Head girl/boy
of Swami Vivekanand Vidhyalaya, Patan, Durg. Write a notice for the school
notice board calling for entries from the students for the preliminary round of
the Bournvita Quiz Contest to be held in your school
Swami Vivekanand Vidyalaya. Patan,Durg
2nd March, 2024
Bournvita Quiz Contest
Dear students, this is to notify that the Schools is organising preliminary
round of Bournvita Quiz Contest on 14th March,
Saturday, 2024 at 12 PM. Interested students can give their names to the
undersigned.. The winner will be given the title of ‘Grandmaster Quiz’, along
with a Batch and Trophy, apart from the reward.
Nandita Sahni/Narayan Dubey
Head girl/boy