Wednesday, 19 June 2024

How to get 90+ Marks in English, Study Tips

The Class 12 board exams serve as a milestone for students in India, often determining the path of their academic and professional careers. Preparing for the board exam becomes easy by following exam preparation tips for class 12.

These Class 12 preparation strategies 2025 can be used to arrange study time, create a study plan, and understand other important details. CBSE Board Class 12 exams would most likely be held in March/April 2025. 

By the end of February 2025, students must have completed the entire syllabus. Use the Class 12 Board Preparation Tips to perform well in the exams. Students would be able to achieve the desired score if they carefully read the Class 12 preparation tips 2025 offered in this article. 

Understanding the English Paper Pattern

Firstly, it's imperative to have a clear understanding of the paper's layout: 

  • Section A: Reading Comprehension 
  • Section B: Writing Skills 
  • Section C: Literature 

Being well-versed in the format enables effective strategizing. 

Section A: Reading Comprehension 

  • Skimming and Scanning: Quickly glance through the passage to grasp the general meaning, and then focus on specific details. 
  • Underline Key Phrases: This will make it easier to find answers to questions and justify your responses. 
  • Time Management: Try not to spend more than 20 minutes on this section to allocate time for others. 
  • Vocabulary: Keep a lookout for unfamiliar words and try to decipher their meaning in the context. 
  • Question Types: Familiarize yourself with different types of questions like factual, inferential, and vocabulary-based. 

Practice Strategy: 

  • Read editorials, articles, and long-form content to improve comprehension and speed. 
  • Time yourself while solving previous years' papers. 

Section B: Writing Skills 

  • Be Clear and Concise: Verbosity often dilutes the message. Stick to the point. 
  • Follow Formats: Strictly adhere to prescribed formats for different types of writing tasks. 
  • Proofread: Always save a few minutes for revising and editing. 
  • Planning: Before you begin, jot down the key points you intend to cover. 
  • Transitional Phrases: Use transitional phrases to ensure smooth flow between paragraphs. 

Practice Strategy: 

  • Practicing writing at least once a week can help you become more comfortable and agile. 
  • Peer review can offer invaluable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. 

Section C: Literature 

  • Thorough Reading: Your literature textbook should be your best friend. Know it well. 
  • Character Sketches: Understand the motivations, roles, and significance of key characters. 
  • Themes and Symbols: Identify overarching themes and symbolic elements. 
  • Annotations: Annotate your texts with notes on important lines, literary devices, and potential questions. 
  • Comparative Study: Sometimes questions demand a comparative analysis of texts, themes, or characters. Be prepared for this. 

Practice Strategy: 

  • Create flashcards for characters, themes, and significant quotations. 
  • Simulate exam conditions and practice writing full-length answers. 

Last Minute preparation Tips to Score 90+ marks in 12th English Board Exam 2025 

Check the following last minute preparation tips to score 90+ marks in Class 12 English exams 2025.  

  • Examine the board English exam sample papers before taking the final examination. It is critical to understand the exam's format, number of questions, and sectional weightage. 
  • Solve previous year Class 12 English question papers and focus on preparing frequently asked questions. Try to learn about popular festivals because they are frequently asked in the creative writing section. 
  • Do not start working on a new topic or lesson, particularly in literature. Focus on what you've learned because there will be an internal choice in the exam, and you may write the response that makes you the most comfortable. 
  • Revise familiar topics and attempt to create responses rather than merely memorizing them. The comprehension passage and creative writing sections are quite simple and require not much prior preparation. So, before exams, practice them the most. 
  • Solve previous year papers and give as many mock exams as you can to boost your confidence and writing speed. 
  • If you feel unprepared, don't worry. Exam anxiety is common, and the majority of students experience it. However, only a few are good at it. Try to meditate, eat healthy, get eight hours of sleep per day, and avoid negativity. With a relaxed mind, you will perform better. 

Finally, with these thorough tips and tricks, you'll be able to not only survive but also thrive in the Class 12 English board exams. You can improve your performance by understanding the paper pattern, enhancing your reading comprehension and writing skills, and delving into literature with a strategic approach.  

Furthermore, the last-minute preparation tips provide essential insights to help you go confidently into the examination hall. Success in your Class 12 English exams becomes a realistic objective with perseverance and practice. Best wishes! 

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