MODEL ANSWER-2020-21 SUBJECT- ENGLISH SET- A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [SECTION-A] [Reading Comprehension] Note: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: [A] Choose the appropriate options: Q.1 (c) hunting Q.2 (a) strangers Q.3 (a) always Q.4 (c) Latin Q.5 (b) requiring lot of space for storing [B] Answer the following questions in brief: Q.6 Money answered the need of mankind. Q.7 Beasts were considered as the form of money when civilization was developing. Q.8 Barter was the form of transaction then. Q.9 According to the economists’ money is a medium of exchange. Q.10 The meaning of ‘pasture’ in the passage is grassland. Q.11 Stranger Q.12 Precious Note: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it: Q.13 Title- Environmental Pollution 1. Definition – contamination ...
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