01.Do as directed :                                        [1×10=10]

(i)            If it doesn’t rain, the crop will fail.

                (Rewrite the sentence using ‘unless’ in place of ‘if’

Ans. Unless it rains, the crop will fail.

(ii)           She is very proud. She will not beg for her livelihood.

                (Use ‘’ and rewrite the sentence)

Ans. She is too proud to beg for her livelihood.

(iii)          Father said to his son, “Go and pay your fees.’’

                (Change the narration)

Ans. Father told his son to go and pay his fees.

(iv)          Who wrote this letter? (Change the voice)

Ans. By whom this letter was written?

(v)           Open the door. (Change the voice)

Ans. Let the door be opened.

(vi)          He said to me, “The earth revolves round the sun.’’

                (Change the narration)

Ans. He told me that the earth revolves round the sun.

(vii)         My father is so old that he cannot walk.

                (Rewrite the sentence using ‘’ in place of ‘so...that’)

Ans. My father is too old to walk.

(viii) The report that he has failed is incorrect.

                (Pick out the subordinate clause)

Ans. He has failed.

(ix) Kavita found the missing keys.

                (Change the sentence in relative clause)

Ans. Kavita found the keys which were missing.

(x)           Abdul gave me a pen.

                (Change the voice)

Ans. A pen was given to me by Abdul.

02.Do as directed (any ten) : [1×10=10]

(i)               Boys fly kites. (Change the voice)

Ans. Kites are flown by boys.

(ii)              He said, “Earth moves round the sun.’’ (Change the narration)

Ans. He said that the earth moves round the sun.

(iii)             As soon as the sun rises, darkness disappears.

 (Rewrite using ‘No sooner .... than’)

Ans. No sooner than the sun rises darkness disappears.

(iv)            He is so weak that he cannot work anymore.

(Use ‘’ in the place of ‘so...that’)

Ans. He is too weak to work anymore.

       (v)       (a) The box is very heavy.

                   (b) I cannot lift it.

      (Combine the sentences using ‘so...that’)

Ans. The box is so heavy that I cannot lift it.

        (vi)     You do your homework.

        (Change the sentence into interrogative)

Ans. Do you do your homework?

        (vii)      I like reading books.

        (Pick out non-finite verb and write it)

               Ans. reading

        (viii)       If it doesn’t rain, the crop will fail.

                 (Rewrite the sentence using ‘Unless’ in the place of ‘If’)

                Ans. Unless it rains, the crop will fail.

         (ix)         Make two kites. (Change into passive voice)

                Ans. Let two kites be made.

          (x)         Abdul gave me a pen. (Change into negative)

                Ans. Abdul did not give me a pen.

          (xi)         Kavita found the missing keys.

                        (Change the sentence in relative clause)

                Ans. Kavita found the keys which were missing

           (xii)        (a) Ram is a postman.

                          (b) He delivers letters.

                          (Combine using relative clause)

                 Ans. Ram who is a postman, delivers letters.

03. Do as directed (any ten): 1×10=10

(i) Who wrote this letter?

(Change the voice)

Ans. By whom this letter was written?

(ii) If I am not invited, I will not go to the picnic.

(Rewrite using 'unless' in place of 'if')

Ans. Unless I am invited, I will not go to the picnic.

(iii) The teacher said, "The sun rises in the east".

(Change the narration)

Ans. The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.

(iv) She said to me, "Please bring me a glass of water".

(Change the narration)

Ans. She requested me to bring her a glass of water.

 (v) (a) I am very busy.

(b) I cannot come to your house today.

(Combine the sentences using so ........ that)

Ans. I am so busy that I cannot come to your house today.

(vi) Do it.

(Change the voice)

Ans. Let it be done.

(vii) (a) You are foolish.

(b) You are making a joke.

(Combine the sentences using 'either ............. or')

Ans. Either you are foolish or you are making a joke.

(viii) You are very weak. You cannot walk.

(Combine the sentences using 'too ................ to')

Ans. You are too weak to walk.

(ix) Ravi is a doctor. Ravi is my friend.

(Combine the sentences using a relative clause)

Ans. Ravi who is a doctor, is my friend.

(x) We do our homework daily. (Change into interrogative)

Ans. Do we do our homework daily?

(xi) It is certain. Kamala will come to school.

(Combine the sentences using 'Noun clause')

Ans. It is certain that Kamla will come to school.

(xii) Seema is hardworking. Seema is honest.

(Combine the sentences using 'not only ............ but also')

Ans. Seema is not only hardworking but also honest.


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