MODEL ANSWER-2020-21 SUBJECT- ENGLISH SET- A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SECTION-A] [Reading Comprehension ] Note: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1. Money came into existence to answer a need of mankind, but this need did not arise until civilization had grown beyond its earliest stages: Primitive man lived by hunting, each hunting only for himself, and his family or tribe. At such a stage when strangers were avoided or driven away, money and even trade were unnecessary. Later, when he had learnt to domesticate wild animals, man lived a nomadic and Pastoral life, constantly wandering as he drove his flocks and herds to new pastures. As the road to wealth. was then the possession of beasts, money, in its modern form was still not necessary, although the beasts themselves were a form of money. It would suit, what few craftsmen there were to be paid for their ware...
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