

[Reading Comprehension]


Note: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. Money came into existence to answer a need of mankind, but this need did not arise until civilization had grown beyond its earliest stages: Primitive man lived by hunting, each hunting only for himself, and his family or tribe. At such a stage when strangers were avoided or driven away, money and even trade were unnecessary. Later, when he had learnt to domesticate wild animals, man lived a nomadic and Pastoral life, constantly wandering as he drove his flocks and herds to new pastures. As the road to wealth. was then the possession of beasts, money, in its modern form was still not necessary, although the beasts themselves were a form of money. It would suit, what few craftsmen there were to be paid for their wares in cattle and farmers and herdsmen to pay in that way.

2. When human communities began to settle down and cultivate the land, instead of wandering over it with their flocks and herds, the division of labor increased and people specialized in crafts and trades. Most men specialized in growing or producing something of which only a very small portion was necessary for their own wants. So they had to get rid of their surplus. In exchange for it, they wanted something which would give them the power to choose what they wanted from the surpluses of other people. A few transactions might take place in straight forward exchange or barter, but only certain things could be treated in this way. It was unlikely for instance, that a shoe maker needing supplies of corns for his family from time to time would always find that the farmer would take shoes in exchange. It would be more convenient, if there were some other object that would always be useful to both the shoe-maker and the farmer.

3. Once the people have agreed what this other object is to be and once they are prepared always to accept it as offer it in payment, then we have money in its primitive form It is the go-between in all business transactions as as the economists say a medium of exchange. We have seen that in the pastoral stage of human history, cattle themselves were this generally acceptable commodity; it is therefore not strange that the Latin word for money, 'pecunia' comes from a similar Latin word 'pecus' meaning cattle. in modern English we still use the adjectives, 'pecuniary' meaning, concerned with money, and 'impecunious' meaning having no money.



[A] Choose the appropriate options:

Q.1 The primitive man lived by -----------------

a. shooting

b. farming

c. hunting

d. shopping

Ans. (c) hunting

Q.2 ---------------- were driven away by the primitive man.

a. Strangers

b. Wild animals

c. Family members

d. Wood cutters

Ans. (a) Strangers

Q.3 Barter system was _____________ convenient to the people of the ancient age.

a. always

b. never

c. sometimes

d. daily

Ans (a) always

Q.4 The word ‘pecunia’ originated from ----------------------

a. Spanish

b. German

c. Latin

d. French

Ans. (c) Latin

Q.5 The precious metal do not suffer the disadvantage of ----------------

a. being stolen by thieves

b. requiring lot of space for storing

c. adulteration

d. presentation

Ans. (b) requiring lot of space for storing

[B] Answer the following questions in brief:

Q.6 What answered the need of mankind?

Ans. Money answered the need of mankind.

Q.7 what were considered as the form of money when civilization was developing?

Ans. Beasts were considered as the form of money when civilization was developing.

Q.8 What was the form of the transaction then?

Ans. Barter was the form of transaction then.

Q.9 What is money according to the economists?

Ans. According to the economists’ money is a medium of exchange.

Q.10 What do you mean by ‘pasture’ in the passage?

 Ans. The meaning of ‘pasture’ in the passage is grassland.

[C] Find the words in the passage similar meaning as:

Q.11 unknown = stranger

Q.12 costly = precious

Note: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it:

          The most alarming of man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with lethal materials. This pollution is for the most part irrevocable; the chain of evil it initiates is for the most part irreversible. In this contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister partners if radiation in changing the very nature of the world; radiation released through nuclear explosions into the air, comes to the earth in rain, lodges into the soil, enters the grass or corn, or wheat grown there and reaches the bones of a human being, there to remain until his death. Similarly, chemicals sprayed on crops lie long in soil, entering living organisms, passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death. Or they pass by underground streams until they emerge and combine into new forms that kill vegetation, sicken cattle, and harm those who drink from once pure wells. It took hundreds of millions of years to produce the life that now inhibits the earth and reach a state of adjustment and balance with its surroundings. The environment contains elements that are hostile as well as supporting. Even within the light of the sun, there are short wave radiations with the power to injure, given time, life has adjusted and a balance reached. From time is the essential ingredient, but in the modern world there is no time.

Q.13 On the basis of your reading of the above passages, make notes using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary.


Ans.                             Title- Environmental Pollution

1.     Definition – contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea

a.     Source- chemicals, radiations

b.     Effect- enters food chain and affects human health

c.      Result- kill vegetation, sicken cattle and harm humans

2.     Life on earth- took hundreds of millions of years

a.     Environment- contains hostile and supportive elements

b.     Light of the sun- has radiations with power to injure

c.      No time to recover in modern world

Q.14 Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words using notes made and also suggest a suitable title.


Contamination of air, earth, rivers and sea with lethal materials is known as pollution. Chemicals and radiations released through nuclear explosions enter into the food chain and affects human health. It kills vegetations, sicken cattle and harm human being.

It took hundreds of millions of years to produce the life on earth which balances with its surroundings. Only with time we can recover, but in the modern world there is no time.

Title- environmental pollution


[Writing Skills]

Q. 15. You are Rahul, Cultural Secretary of your school. You have organised an inter-school singing competition as a part of the annual day celebrations in your school. Write a notice for the school notice board informing the students about the same (in about 50 words).







Singing Competition

This is to inform all the students from class 9th to 12th that there is an inter-school singing competition as a part of the annual day celebrations in our school on 15th June 2021. Interested students can give their names to their class monitors.



Cultural Secretary






You have found a briefcase while travelling in the bus. Write a suitable advertisement for the 'Lost and Found' columns of a local newspaper in about 50 words. State the details required for your satisfaction.





Found a grey-coloured leather briefcase while travelling in a DTC bys route no. 405 from A.I.I.M.S. to Mehrauli on Saturday between 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. There is a name inscribed on the briefcase in pink letters on the backside. It is a light bag with not much weight. Owner may please contact:


95, Surya Colony, Mehrauli-02,

Contact on. 23940537



Q.16 Write a letter to the Commissioner of Raipur Corporation, complaining about the poor sanitary conditions and mosquito menace in your locality.


The Commissioner
Municipal Corporation Office
Raipur (CG)

Subject – Regarding poor sanitary conditions and mosquito menace

Respected Sir,

I would like to draw your kind attention towards the poor management of garbage prevalent in my area. I regret to inform you that the sanitary conditions of our locality are becoming bad to worse day by day. The concerned workers are paying no heed to it. They come here once in 15 days only. The garbage is lying on the roads for the rest of the days. The drainage system of this locality has broken down and we can see water spread on the road everywhere. This creates a major problem as it invites a lot of mosquito and causes ill-health of people of this locality. Gutters are not cleaned, drainage is choked and heaps of refuse can be seen here and there.

Therefore I request you to please look into the matter and take all necessary steps for solving these problems.

Hoping an early action.
Yours Faithfully
Vivek Jain


My Dear Rakesh/Rakhi,

I am pleased to inform you that my sister’s marriage has been fixed and the marriage ceremony is scheduled to take place on 18th June, 2021. This is advance information to you. A formal invitation card is being sent to you separately.

The marriage party will arrive from Noida and the reception will be held in the Community centre hall at Rajouri Garden which is very close to our residence.

 I would request you to please make it convenient to attend the reception and the marriage ceremony, along with your parents.

I hope, you will respond to my invention.

Q.17 Write an article in about 250 words on any one of the following topics:

(i) importance of newspaper

(ii) Television: a Boon or a Bane

(iii) Importance of Games and Sports

(iv) Environment Pollution: A Global Problem

(i)               Reading newspaper is a good habit that can provide a great sense of educational value. It carries information about politics, economy, entertainment, sports, business, industry, trade and commerce. With this habit, it will not only enhance your knowledge about general information but it will likewise improve your language skills and vocabulary. Many people have habits of reading daily newspapers that their days seem incomplete without taking hold of early morning newspapers. Here are some of the benefits that you can get by reading daily newspapers:


          Newspapers carry the news of the world.

          Newspapers provide information and general knowledge.

          Newspapers provide news about a country’s economic situation, sports, games, entertainment, trade and commerce.

          Reading newspaper makes a good habit and it is already part of the modern life. This habit will widen your outlook and will enrich your knowledge.

          Reading newspaper makes you well informed. It enables you to take part in every discussion pertaining to the world’s current events.

          Reading newspapers will improve your knowledge in general and it will be easy for you to relate to other people who often talks about current events and politics.

          Through newspapers, you will have a clear idea and understanding of what is happening in your country and the whole world.

(ii)              Television is one of the latest wonders of science. By the radio we can only hear the voice, buy through the television, we are face to face with the screen. In short the television has become one of the most important means of education, recreation, propaganda, national integration and imitation. Its advantages are varied in recent times. We can have mass education, form public opinion and eradicate many social evils from the society through television as it leaves a more permanent impression on our minds that we see or hear by sitting before a screen. Besides, it has a great health hazard for kids. We know that children are great imitators by nature. They imitate the facts and the character that they view on the screen. For example, if you are remembered about the serial Shaktiman that put many a child to enforce death. They always try to copy the ideal dialogues and feats duly exhibited on the screen and put them in to action.


But they fail to understand the truth so they lose their lives. They do not understand the truth and philosophy of the facts. They think that they will also survive like Shaktiman and he will be there to save them. Such types of stunts should be banned out rightly by the broadcasting division before a serial is brought before the public, the authority should look in to its pros and cons. In case it had any adverse impression on the minds, it needs to be banned. At present we need good and responsible citizens with high morals values. We should present such lively serials that have moral, educational and cultural significance on us. We can show such serials that are likely to uproot social evils, corruptions, regionalism, terrorism and communalism etc. Let us hope that the government would provide such serials that would be beneficial to all in every aspect.


(iii)            It is well said that “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” Outdoor games not only make us physically fit but also it develops our mental health. Sports and games develop our concentration power and build our personality.


Unluckily the value of sports in India remains unappreciated.


Games and its lover are regarded in an inferior light than academically inclined persons.


The natural spirit of children for robust and healthy outdoor games is thus declined. Thus, only few children are fascinated to make careers in sports, this attitude of ours has recently taken a beating in the Rio Olympics where our performances left much to be desired.


The more students are required to be encourage to play the sport are their choice.


Moreover, talent should be spotted right at the level of school and nurtured regularly with the best facilities and training possible.


Parents are also needed to praise the value of games and sports for personality development. The government should also channelize more funds to develop and nature sports talents.


All the teenagers have a dream to get something is their life. What they are going to become tomorrow depends on what the youth dream today.


Sports and games help to develop the quality of sportsman spirit which teachers to take victory or defeat in some spirit.


Our country needs lots and lots of high-quality sportsmen and players to represent our national teams in different international sports events.


We must promote games and sports to promote universal brotherhood.


(iv)            Environmental pollution is not a new phenomenon, yet it remains the world’s greatest problem facing humanity, and the leading environmental causes of morbidity and mortality. Man’s activities through urbanization, industrialization, mining, and exploration are at the forefront of global environmental pollution. Both developed and developing nations share this burden together, though awareness and stricter laws in developed countries have contributed to a larger extent in protecting their environment. Despite the global attention towards pollution, the impact is still being felt due to its severe long-term consequences. This chapter examines the types of pollution—air, water, and soil; the causes and effects of pollution; and proffers solutions in combating pollution for sustainable environment and health.


Q.18 Do as directed (any ten):


(i) We have won the match. (Change the voice)


(ii) Do not waste your time. (Change the voice)


(iii) The teacher said, “The earth is round like a ball." (Change the narration)


(iv) He said to her, “Where do you live?” (Change the narration)


(v) It is certain. Abdul will pass. (Combine the sentences using noun clause)


(vi) (a) The peon rings the bell.

(b) The students run out of the classroom. (Combine the sentences using ‘as soon as')


(vii) You do your homework daily. (Change the sentence into interrogative)


(viii) (a) The box is very heavy.

(b) I cannot lift it. (Combine the sentences using ‘so...that')


(ix) Mohan posted the letter. (Add question tag)


(x) (a) I met Ramesh.

(b) Ramesh had just arrived. (Combine by using relative clause)


(xi) He shuts the gate. (Change the voice)



       I.          The match has been won by us.

     II.          Your time should be wasted.

    III.          The teacher said that the earth is round like a ball.

   IV.          He asked her where she lived.

     V.          As soon as the peon rings the bell, the students run out of the classroom.

   VI.          Do you do your homework daily?

 VII.          The box is so heavy that I cannot lift it.

VIII.          Mohan posted the letter, didn’t he?

   IX.          I met Ramesh who had just arrived.

     X.          The gate is shut by him.

   XI.          Abdul will pass is certain.


[Literature Textbook]



Note: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it:

My introduction to the Y.M.CA. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears. But in a little while I gathered confidence. I paddled with my new water wings, watching the other boys and trying to learn by aping them. I did these two or three times on different days and was just beginning to feel at ease in the water when the misadventure happened.

I went to the pool when no one else was there. The place was quiet. The water was still, and the tiled bottom was as white and clean as a bathtub. I was timid about going in alone, so I sat on the side of the pool to wait for others.


Choose the correct answer:

Q.19 Y. M. C. A. pool revived -----------

a. pleasant memories

b. stirred fear

c. unpleasant memories

d. childish memories

Ans. (c) unpleasant memories

Q.20 I ------------- with my new water wings.

a. paddled

b. swim

c. air wings

d. fear

Ans. (a) paddled

Q.21 The narrator went to the pool when the place was ------------

a. quiet

b. closed

c. calm

d. crowded

 Ans. (a) quiet


Q.22 --------------- was as white and clean.

a. The pool

b. The water

c. The tiled bottom

d. The place

Ans. (c) The tiled bottom


Note: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it:

Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example,
With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal –
For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes
From fog to endless night? On their slag heap, these children
Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel
With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones.

All of their time and space are foggy slum,

So, blot their maps with slums as big as doom.

Unless, governor, inspector, visitor,
This map becomes their window and these windows
That shut upon their lives like catacombs,

Break O break open till they break the town
And show tire children to green fields, and make
their world
Run azure on gold sands, and let their tongues
Run naked into books the white & green leaves open
History theirs whose language is the sun.

Q.23 Lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes from fog to endless -------------?

a. day

b. night

c. morning

d. evening

Ans. (b) night

Q.24 The mended glass looks like bottle bits on ---------------

a. stones

b. log

c. metal

d. marble

Ans. (a) stones


Q.25 The windows that shut upon their lives like --------------------

a. coconuts

b. stream

c. catacombs

d. river

Ans. (c) catacombs

Q.26 Children run naked into the ------------------------- leaves open.

a. green and yellow

b. black and green

c. white and black

d. white and green

Ans (d) white and green

Note: Answer the following questions in about two sentences each:      [2x3=6]

Q.27 What doubts did Edla have about the peddler?

Ans. Edla had doubts that the peddler had stolen something or had escaped prison. His appearance and behavior also left her in doubts.

Q.28 What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?

Ans. The order from Berlin brought all the routine hustle-bustle of the school life to a stand- still. The teacher, M. Hamel, became more sympathetic to his students and taught his lessons with more patience.

Q.29 Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?

Ans. Douglas was determined to overcome his fear of water because this phobia had ruined his fishing trips. Moreover, he had also never been able to enjoy water sports.

Q.30 Give a character sketch of Mr. Hamel.                                         [6]

Ans.                                                     Character of M. Hamel

M. Hamel was a true French man. Teaching at Alsace for forty years, he had become a part of its people. He was an honest teacher. He did not blame his students alone for poor learning. He also held himself responsible for the same. He was very patriotic as he appealed to his countrymen to hold fast to their mother tongue to be free from the Prussians. According to him the French language was the most beautiful, the clearest and the most logical language in the world.


       Compare and contrast the character of the ironmaster with that of his daughter.

The Iron master and his daughter, Edla Willmanson both were agreeable and kind-hearted. However, the daughter was kinder than her father. Unlike her father she was a better judge of the human character. The Iron-master not only mistook the rattrap seller for an old companion, but he also failed to see through the lies that he told him. He was also not successful in persuading the vagabond to accompany him to his mansion. The Iron-master also lacked forbearance that her daughter had.


Note: Answer the following questions in about 2 sentences each:             [2x2=4]


Q.31 Why does Charley call the world in 1894 peaceful?

Ans. Galesburg was a wonderful town with big old frame houses, huge lawns, and tremendous trees whose branches met overhead and roofed over the streets. In 1894, summer evenings were twice as long, and people sat on their lawns. 

Q.32 Who is Tiger King? Why does he get that name?

Ans. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram was known as ‘Tiger King’. Ten days after his birth, a renowned astrologer prophesied that his "death comes from the Tiger." Thus, he got that name.

Note: Answer the following questions in about 80 words:               [6]

Q.33 Draw a character sketch of the Tiger king in your own words.

Ans. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, Sir Jilani Jung Bahadur, had many titles and sub-names. However, he was popular as the Tiger King. The chief astrologer foretold that his death would come from a tiger.

Crown Prince Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger each day. An English governess took care of him and he was tutored in English by an Englishman. When he was twenty, he took the reign in his hands.

The Maharaja continued his campaign of tiger hunting with rare single-mindedness. Within ten years he killed seventy tigers. He wanted to marry a girl of a state which had a large tiger population so that he was able to kill 99 tigers in all.


‘The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress.’ What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them?

Ans. The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry, and stress. This is because the world has become competitive and people want to pull each other down. We fear failure. To overcome such insecurities, we must first accept that both good and bad come hand in hand. Hence, we need to create a balance between personal, professional, creative and economic spheres of life. It is important for us to spend quality time with family and friends, be creative in art, poetry or prose etc.












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