Friday, 28 August 2020

How The Little Kite Learned To Fly?


Meanings in context

Nod                              :                       सिर का इशारा

Tranquil                       :                       शांत

Stir                               :                        हलचल

Tremble                      :                        घबराना

Steady                         :                       नियमित

Sail                              :                     शांत रूप से चलना

Whirl                           :                       चक्कर

Thrill                            :                       रोमांच


Answer the following questions

1.      What was the little kite afraid of?                                                                                           

Ans: The little kite was afraid of failing.

2.      Why did the little kite’s paper stir?                                                                                         

Ans: The little kite’s  paper stirred at the site.

3.      How did the boys look like from the sky?

Ans: The boys looked like small spots on the ground.

4.      How did the little kite feel when it sailed up in the sky?                                                          

Ans: The little kite was thrilled with pride when it sailed up in the sky.

5.      Who were the little kite’s companions up in the sky?

 Ans: The birds and clouds were the companions of the little kite up in the sky.   



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