my previous post I have given you ample idea for note making. Here again I’m
again giving you brief idea about note making with an example.
Read the passage thoroughly.
Find the title/ heading of the passage (for this read
first and last para).
Underline the main points.
Find sub-headings.
Use abbreviations for longer word or often repeated
words, for this capitalize the initial letters like- W.H.O. or take first and
last few letters govt for government. (use at least 4 abbreviations and put
them in a box.)
Organise the information systematically.
Do not write in complete sentences; use words/phrases
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Despite all the research every one of us catches cold and most of
us catch it frequently. Our failure to control one of the commonest of all
ailments sometimes seems ridiculous. Medical science regularly practices
transplant surgery and has rid whole countries of such killing diseases as
Typhus and the Plague. But the problem of common cold is unusually difficult
and much has yet to be done to solve it. It is known that a cold is caused by
one of a number of viral infections that affect the lining of the nose and
other passages leading to the lungs but the confusing variety of viruses makes
study and remedy very difficult. It was shown in 1960 that many typical colds
in adults are caused by one or the other of a family of viruses known as
rhinoviruses, yet there still remain many colds for which no virus has as yet
been isolated.
There is also the difficulty that because they are so much
smaller than the bacteria which cause many other infections, viruses cannot be
seen with ordinary microscopes. Nor can they be cultivated easily in the
bacteriologist’s laboratory, since they only grow within the living cells of
animals or plants. An important recent step forward, however, is the
development of the technique of tissue culture, in which bits of animal tissue
are enabled to go on living and to multiply independently of the body. This has
greatly aided virus research and has led to the discovery of a large number of
viruses. Their existence had previously been not only unknown but even
The fact that we can catch a cold repeatedly creates another
difficulty. Usually, a virus strikes only once and leaves the victim immune to
further attacks. Still, we do not gain immunity from colds. Why? It may
possibly be due to the fact that while other viruses get into the bloodstream
where anti-bodies can oppose them, the viruses causing cold attack cells only
on the surface. Or it may be that immunity from one of the many different
viruses does not guarantee protection from all the others. It seems, therefore,
that we are likely to have to suffer colds for some time yet.
(a)On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make
notes on it in points only, using abbreviations, wherever necessary. Also,
suggest a suitable title. 4
(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words
using the notes made. 4
Title: No Control over Common Cold
1. How to control com. cold:
1.1 No cure
to control it
1.2 Cure avail, for Typhus & Plague
1.3 Prob. of com. cold not yet solved
2. Reasons
for cold:
2.1 It is a
viral infec. that affects nose-lining
2.2 Caused by fmly. of viruses called Rhinoviruses
2.3 For certain colds no viruses hv yet bn isolated
3. Prob. of
identifying viruses:
3.1 Smaller
than bacteria so can’t be seen with ordinary microscopes
3.2 Cannot be easily cultivated in bacteriologists lab. v grow within the
living cells of plants & animals.
4. Div. of
tissue culture aided by:
4.1 bits of
animal tissue go on living
4.2 multiply independently off the body
4.3 has led to the discovery of large no. of viruses
4.4 their existence previously unknown and unsuspected
5. No imm.
from cold:
5.1 viruses
causing cold attacks only on surface & not bloodstream
5.2 cannot be opposed by anti-bodies
5.3 imm. from one virus doesn’t guarantee protection from all
5.4 you hv to suffer from cold for some more time
♦ List of
Eff. – effective
com. – common
& – and
avail. – available
prob. – problem
infec. – infection
fmly. – family
hv – have
bn – been
lab. – laboratory
V – because
Dev. – development
no. – number
fm – from
imm. – immunity
Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made. 4
Summary: Despite having the cure to killing diseases like Typhus and Plague it
seems ridiculous that medical science has not done much yet to solve the
problem of common cold. This is because the study of viruses remains confusing
as they cannot be seen with ordinary microscopes. Now with the development of
the technique of tissue culture a large number of viruses have been discovered
whose existence was earlier unknown. We keep catching cold and never become
immune to it because the viruses causing cold attack only on the surface unlike
other viruses that get into the bloodstream and so can be opposed by
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