Written by A.R. Williams, this chapter is about the last heir of the powerful Pharaoh Dynasty, Tutankhamun, who died when he was a teenager after ruling for nine years. He died in a mysterious way, this chapter throws light over all the possible mysteries – the curse, where his tomb lies, his life and ultimately death. Egyptians believe that there is life after death and that is the reason why the Pharaohs were buried with wealth and everyday use items.
Tut: the Saga Continues Question and Answers
the Text
1. Give reasons for the following.
(i) King Tut’s body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny.
Ans: King Tut’s body
has been subjected to repeated scrutiny because of his history, his treasures
which he was buried with and to know the reason behind his death.
(ii) Howard Carter’s investigation was
Ans: Howard Carter’s investigation was resented because of
his unscientific methods to cut off his body from the tomb. He also focused
more on Tut’s wealth and less on to solve the mystery of Tut’s life and death.
(iii) Carter had to chisel away the
solidified resins to raise the king’s remains.
Ans: Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins to raise
the king’s remains because the body was cemented to the bottom of the solid
gold coffin as the resins had hardened. No force could move the body away and
keeping the body in the sun, under 149 degrees Fahrenheit also did not help.
(iv) Tut’s body was buried along with gilded
Ans: Tut’s body was buried along with gilded treasures as the
ancient Egyptian royals were extremely wealthy. They also believed that the
royalty would take all the treasures with them in their afterlife.
(v) The boy king changed his name from
Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun.
Ans: Tutankhamun means ‘Living image of Amun’. Amun was a
major god of ancient Egypt. Amenhotep III smashed and closed his temples, later
Tut restored his temples and beliefs back in his empire. That is why he changed
his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun to choose his belief in the god.
2. (i) List the deeds that led Ray Johnson to
describe Akhenaten as “wacky”.
Ans: According to Ray
Johnson, the Akhenaten was wacky because of the following reasons:
- · He smashed and
closed Amun’s images.
- · He worshipped Aten,
sun’s disk
- · He moved the
religious capital from the city of Thebes to the new city of Akhenaten,
called Amarna
- · He changed his name
to Akhenaten
(ii) What were the results of the CT scan?
Ans: The results of the CT scan were astonishing which was
1700 digital X-rays cross-sectioning each other to make a three-dimensional
image. A grey head appeared and his vertebrae were shown. The images of the
hand, ribcage, and skull were shown which were so clear.
(iii) List the advances in technology that
have improved forensic analysis.
Ans: With the advancement in technology, it has been made
possible for many scientific tests to be carried out in a more accurate way to
determine the cause of a crime. X-Ray, CT scan, Post mortem, biopsy, and
autopsy are now possible.
(iv) Explain the statement, “King Tut is one
of the first mummies to be scanned — in death, as in life...”
Ans: Tut’s mummy was the first one to be X-rayed in 1968 and
later, in 2005, the first to be scanned through Computing Tomography (CT). CT
scan revealed new three dimensional images of his body which answered many
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