Essay writing


Writing an essay is a kid’s job

What is an essay- An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

There are many types of essays you might write as a student. The content and length of an essay depends on your level, subject of study, and course requirements. However, most essays at school level are argumentative: they aim to persuade the reader of a particular position or perspective on a topic. We may have seen that when we were in middle school level we had written the essay in just 10 sentences. But after moving to high school level we have to write it in 250 to 300 words.

The essay writing process consists of three main stages:

  1. Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline.
  2. Writing: Set out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion.
  3. Revision: Check the content, organization, grammar, spelling, and formatting of your essay.

Writing essay is an art. We can master this art by continuous practice. Most students write the essay in their exam paper by memorizing it from their grammar books. I am telling you the easiest way of writing the essay in few steps-

1.    Choose a desired topic

2.    Think of  the words related with that topic

3.    Develop that words into the sentence

4.    Write that sentences in the correct sequence

Whenever you are writing an essay you have to think of the four wh- words: what, where, when, and how. For example if you want to write an essay on Deepawali, you have to answer these questions;

·         What is Deepawali

·         Where is it celebrated

·         When is it celebrated

·         How is it celebrated

By answering these questions you can write a good essay. But don’t think that it is very simple to do. You have to practice and practice until you become master in it.



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