Important Questions from VISTAS, 12TH ENGLISH



Short answer type questions.

Q1. Do you think that the ‘Third level’ was a medium of escape for Charley, why?

Q2. Who is the tiger king? Why does he get that name?

Q3. What was the great miracle that took place, in the Lesson’ The Tiger King’?

Q4. What does the chief astrologer tell to be the cause of the Maharaja’s death?

Q5. How did the author feel on reaching the Antarctica?

Q6. Who was Dr. Sadas? Where was his house?

Q7. Who was Hana and where did Sadao meet her? How were they married?

Q8. Why did the servant leave Dr.Sadao’s house?

Q9. How did Roger Skunk find three more pennies?

Q10. What is mother is mother Skunk’s role in the story?

Q11. What does the third level refer to?

Q12. What is a first day cover?

Long answer type questions.

Q1. Describe Mr. Lamb’s Garden.

Q2. Give the character sketch of Dr. Sadao.

Q3. Draw the character sketch of the Tiger King?

Q4. How is the Grand Central Station a symbol of escape?

Q5. Describe the salient features of the Antarctic Region as described in the lesson.

Q6. What do you refer from Sam’s letter to Charley?

Q7. Give the character sketch of Charley?

Q8. What will the Maharaja do to find the required number of tigers to kill?

Q9. Justify the title “The Tiger King.”



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