Sunday, 14 January 2024



  Dear students/teachers,

As the board examination is approaching, you are in a too hurry to find the different examples for different questions that are commonly asked in your board question paper. One of such question is note making. Though it’s an easy topic, student find it difficult to give its answer due to the improper guidance and practice. In my so many previous posts I have given the tips for it. You can access it just by going in search box and typing note making in it. Here again I am giving you some easy tips and examples for your convenience.

 Note Making Format, Examples

I. How to make notes:

1. Read the passage carefully.

2. Give a heading to your work. The heading will be based on the following considerations.

(i) What is the main idea of the passage?

(ii)Frame a heading based on the main idea. (iii) Write it in the middle of

the page.

3. Give subheadings

(i) How has the main idea been presented and developed?

(ii)Are there two or three subordinate/associated ideas? (iii) Frame subheadings

based on these.

4. Points are to be noted under each subheading.

Are there further details or points of the subtitles that you wish to keep in these notes? These

are called points. Points may have subpoints.

5. All subheadings should be at a uniform distance from the margin.

6. Indenting – Points should also be at the same distance away from the margin.

7. Do not write complete sentences.

8. Abbreviations should be used.

Note-Making Format

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Despite all the research every one of us catches cold and most of us catch it frequently. Our failure to control one of the commonest of all ailments sometimes seems ridiculous. Medical science regularly practises transplant surgery and has rid whole countries of such killing diseases as Typhus and the Plague. But the problem of common cold is unusually difficult and much has yet to be done to solve it. It is known that a cold is caused by one of a number of viral infections that affect the lining of the nose and other passages leading to the lungs but the confusing variety of viruses makes study and remedy very difficult. It was shown in 1960 that many typical colds in adults are caused by one or the other of a family of viruses known as rhinoviruses, yet there still remain many colds for which no virus has as yet been isolated.

There is also the difficulty that because they are so much smaller than the bacteria which cause many other infections, viruses cannot be seen with ordinary microscopes. Nor can they be cultivated easily in the bacteriologist’s laboratory, since they only grow within the living cells of animals or plants. An important recent step forward, however, is the development of the technique of tissue culture, in which bits of animal tissue are enabled to go on living and to multiply independently of the body. This has greatly aided virus research and has led to the discovery of a large number of viruses. Their existence had previously been not only unknown but even unsuspected.

The fact that we can catch a cold repeatedly creates another difficulty. Usually, a virus strikes only once and leaves the victim immune to further attacks. Still, we do not gain immunity from colds. Why? It may possibly be due to the fact that while other viruses get into the bloodstream where anti-bodies can oppose them, the viruses causing cold attack cells only on the surface. Or it may be that immunity from one of the many different viruses does not guarantee protection from all the others. It seems, therefore, that we are likely to have to suffer colds for some time yet.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points only, using abbreviations, wherever necessary. Also, suggest a suitable title. 5
Title: No Control over Common Cold Notes:
1. How to control com. cold:

1.1 No cure to control it
1.2 Cure avail, for Typhus & Plague
1.3 Prob. of com. cold not yet solved

2. Reasons for cold:

2.1 It is a viral infec. that affects nose-lining
2.2 Caused by fmly. of viruses called Rhinoviruses
2.3 For certain colds no viruses hv yet bn isolated

3. Prob. of identifying viruses:

3.1 Smaller than bacteria so can’t be seen with ordinary microscopes
3.2 Cannot be easily cultivated in bacteriologists lab. v grow within the living cells of plants & animals.

4. Div. of tissue culture aided by:

4.1 bits of animal tissue go on living
4.2 multiply independently off the body
4.3 has led to the discovery of large no. of viruses
4.4 their existence previously unknown and unsuspected

5. No imm. from cold:

5.1 viruses causing cold attacks only on surface & not bloodstream
5.2 cannot be opposed by anti-bodies
5.3 imm. from one virus doesn’t guarantee protection from all
5.4 you hv to suffer from cold for some more time

List of Abbreviations

Eff. – effective
com. – common
& – and
avail. – available
prob. – problem
infec. – infection
fmly. – family
hv – have
bn – been
lab. – laboratory
V – because
Dev. – development
no. – number
fm – from
imm. – immunity

(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made. 3
Summary: Despite having the cure to killing diseases like Typhus and Plague it seems ridiculous that medical science has not done much yet to solve the problem of common cold. This is because the study of viruses remains confusing as they cannot be seen with ordinary microscopes. Now with the development of the technique of tissue culture a large number of viruses have been discovered whose existence was earlier unknown. We keep catching cold and never become immune to it because the viruses causing cold attack only on the surface unlike other viruses tht get into the bloodstream and so can be opposed by anti-bodies.


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

There is nothing more frustrating than when you sit down at your table to study with the most sincere of intentions and instead of being able to finish the task at hand, you find your thoughts wandering. However, there are certain techniques that you can use to enhance your concentration. “Your concentration level depends on a number of factors,” says Samuel Ghosh, a social counsellor. “In order to develop your concentration span, it is necessary to examine various 2 facets of your physical and internal environment,” she adds.

To begin with one should attempt to create the physical environment that is conducive to focused thought. Whether it is the radio, TV or your noisy neighbors, identify the factors that make it difficult for you to focus. For instance, if you live in a very noisy neighbourhood, you could try to plan your study hours in a nearby library.

She disagrees with the notion that people can concentrate or study in an environment with distractions like a loud television, blaring music etc. “If you are distracted when you are attempting to focus, your attention and retention powers do not work at optimum levels,” cautions Ghosh. “Not more than two of your senses should be activated at the same time,” she adds. What that means is that music that sets your feet tapping is not the ideal accompaniment to your books.

Also do not place your study table or desk in front of a window. “While there is no cure for a mind that wants to wander, one
should try and provide as little stimulus as possible. Looking out of a window when you are trying to concentrate will invariably send your mind on a tangent,” says Ghosh.

The second important thing, she says, is to establish goals for oneself instead of setting a general target and then trying to accomplish what you can in a haphazard fashion. It is very important to decide what you have to finish in a given span of time. The human mind recognizes fixed goals and targets and appreciates schedules more than random thoughts. Once your thoughts and goals are in line, a focused system will follow.

She recommends that you divide your schedule into study and recreation hours. When you study, choose a mix of subjects that you enjoy and dislike and save the former for the last so that you have something to look forward to. For instance, if you enjoy verbal skill tests more than mathematical problems, then finish Maths first. Not only will you find yourself working harder, you will have a sense of achievement when you wind up.

Try not to sit for more than 40 minutes at a stretch. Take a very short break to make a cup of tea or listen to a song and sit down again. Under no circumstances, should one sit for more than one and a half hours. Short breaks build your concentration and refresh your mind. However, be careful not to overdo the relaxation. It may have undesired effects.

More than anything else, do not get disheartened. Concentration is merely a matter of disciplining the mind. It comes with practice and patience and does not take very long to become a habit for life.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points only, using abbreviations, wherever necessary. Also suggest a suitable title. 5
Title: Techniques to Enhance Concentration Notes:

1. Hurdles to Concen.

1.1 wandering thoughts
1.2 radio or TV
1.3 noisy environ.
1.4 distracting environ.

2. Techniques for enhancement of Concen.

2.1 examine the environmental factors- both phys. & internal
2.2 identify the distracting factors
2.3 activate one sense at a time
2.4 keep study table away from the window

3. Managing concen.

3.1 estab. specific goals rather than gen. targets
3.2 set your thoughts & goals in line
3.3-time mgmt.

4. Recommendations

4.1 estab. your goals & schedules
4.2 plan your study and hrs.
4.3 make concen. a habit for life

5. Ultimate help

5.1 don’t get disheartened
5.2 discipline the mind
5.3 practice & develop patience

List of Abbreviations

concen. – concentration
environ. – environment
phys. – physical
& – and
mgmt – management
estab – establish
gen. – general – recreational
hrs. – hours

(b) Write a summary of the above in 80 words.
Summary: There can be many hurdles to concentration. Your wandering thoughts, radio, TV and a noisy or distractive environment. But one can overcome these hurdles by following certain techniques to enhance concentration.

The environmental facets-both physical and internal need to be identified and dealt with separately, one at a time. Concentration can also be managed by establishing specific goals instead of setting general targets. Our goals and thoughts should be set in line and we also need to manage time. The recommendations for improving concentration are that one should establish goals and schedules and plan his study and recreational hours. This will make concentration a habit for life.

Please give me your honest feedback after going through this post. Write your comments in the comment box.


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