Thursday, 11 April 2024


                               SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER  – 2023-24

         SUBJECT- ENGLISH                              CLASS – 11TH                                                                                                   

   TIME: - 3 HOURS                                                                   M.M. 80


Section A Reading [20 Marks]

1.    (A) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

I walk through the long schoolroom questioning,

A kind old nun in a white hood replies,

The children learn to cipher and to sing,

To study reading-books and histories,

To cut and sew, be neat in everything

In the best modern way –the children’s eyes

In momentary wonder stare upon

A sixty-year-old smiling public man.

1) Who replied to the question, asked by the poet?

a. The man. b. The nun.

c. The children. d. none of the above.

2) How old was the poet, when he visited the convent?

a. sixty years.      b. sixty-six years.

c. seventy years. d. The age is not given in the stanza.

3) What is a synonym for momentary?

a. transitory. b. ceaseless.

c. lasting. d. effective.

4) What did the children learn?

a. to ask          b. to cypher

c. to forget      d. to learn

5) What does the poet want to study?

a. books     b. novels

c. monuments   d. poems

6) From whose eyes the poet wants to see?

a. children    b. elders

c. man            d. woman

(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below:    9M

The effects of plastic bags on the environment are really quite devastating. While there are many objections to the banning of plastic bags based solely on their convenience, the damage to the environment needs to be assessed too. There is no way to strictly limit the effects of plastic bags on the environment because there is no disposal method that will really help to eliminate the problem. While reusing them is the first step, most people don’t do that. These bags are not durable enough to survive numerous trips to the store. The best a citizen can do is to reuse them. The biggest problem with this is that once they have been soiled they end up in the trash, which then ends up in the landfill or is burned. Either of these solutions is not good for the environment. Burning emits toxic gases that harm the atmosphere and increase the level of VOCs in the air while landfills hold them indefinitely as a part of the plastic waste problem throughout the globe. One of the greatest problems is that an estimated 300 million plastic bags end up in the Atlantic Ocean alone. These bags are very dangerous for the sea life, especially for those of the mammal variety. Any hunting mammal can easily mistake the size, shape and texture of the plastic bag for a meal and find its airway cut off. Needless deaths from plastic bags are increasing every year. The environmental balance of the waterways is being thrown off by the rate of plastic bags finding their way into the mouths and intestinal tracts of sea mammals. As one species begins to die off at an abnormal rate, every other living organism in the waterways is also impacted. The indefinite period of time that it takes for the average plastic bag to break down can be literally hundreds of years. Every bag that ends up in the woodlands of the country threatens the natural progression of wildlife. Because the breakdown rate is so slow the chances that the bag will harmlessly go away are extremely slim. Throughout the world plastic bags are responsible for the suffocation deaths of woodland animals as well as for inhibiting soil nutrients. The land litter that is made up of plastic bags has the potential to kill over and over again. It has been estimated that one bag has the potential to unintentionally kill one animal every three While it’s a noble thought to place the plastic bags in the recycling bin every week, studies have proven that there are very few recycling plants that actually recycle them. Most municipalities either burn them or send them off to the landfill after sorting. This is because it can be expensive to recycle this type of plastic. It doesn’t melt down easily and is often not fit to be reused in its original form. The premise of recycling these bags is nice. Yet funding for the upgrading of the recycling units just has not happened and thus less than 1% of all bags are sent to recycling plants worldwide. Most are left to become a pollution problem in one way or another. There are always alternatives to plastic bags and the search for better and more alternatives continues. Paper bags are a possible option, but they also take their toll on the environment. The use of trees to increase the production of paper products will also have a negative environmental effect. Reusable plastic bags are being introduced to regions that want to outlaw the plastic bags altogether. These are stronger and more durable and can be used for three to five trips to the store. Of course, the reusable cloth bag is fast becoming a favourite among the environmental supporters. While so far no bag is without its issues, these are the bags that are currently recommended for use to help protect environmental concerns.

Q. Answer the questions briefly:

1. Why do the people oppose the banning of plastic?                               1

2. Why is it not good to burn the plastic?                                                  1

3. How are mammals affected by plastic bags?                                         1

4. Why do most municipalities not recycle plastic?                                   1

5. Which are better alternatives to plastic bags?                                        1

6. Give the title of the above passage?                                                       1

7. Write two harmful effects of using plastic bags on the environment. Suggest alternatives to the usage of plastic bags.        3

(C)  National Integration is the bond and togetherness between people irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or gender. It is the feeling of oneness, brotherhood and social unity within communities and society in a country. National Integration helps to keep the country united and strong from within despite the diversities. The importance of national integration can be understood from the fact that the nation which remains integrated will always progress on the track of development and prosperity. The significance of national integration in a country like India increases manifold seeing the diversities and cultural differences. It plays a very crucial role in the modern times especially in a country like India which is still on a developing track. National integration makes a country resilient by uniting its citizen with a single thread of brotherhood and nationalism. If a country is integrated by its people, it becomes tough for a foreign force to disintegrate it. We have seen many incidents of riots and revolts in the country in past years and these incidents are a threat to the social and cultural integrity of a nation. These issues also pose a big hurdle on the path of country’s development. National integration is the only thing which could stabilize the development of a country, improve the economic growth and add value to its cultural and social status. The growth and development of a country directly depends on its integrity and unity and if it lacks in both then it becomes impossible for the nation to progress ahead towards a sustained development. National integration acts as a basic foundation for maintaining harmony, peace and brotherhood in the society thus building a country which is strong, united and resilient.

1. On the bases of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using heading and sub-heading. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. (5)


 2. Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using notes made and suggest a suitable title. (5)


Section B Writing and Grammar [30 Marks]

2. You have found an expensive geometry box in the school playground. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board. You are Ravi/Rani, Class XI, Angel School, Faridabad.  (4)


Draw a poster about awareness for election procedure or vote.  (4)

3. You are Rajesh/Ragini. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on the success in board examination. (6)


 Write a letter to the commissioner of Chennai Corporation, complaining about the poor Sanitary conditions and mosquito menace in your locality. (6)

4. You are Asha/Amit of class XII. Recently many games have been organized in your area. Write an

article on the importance of games and sports.(in about 250words)                                   10M


You are Sanjay/Sangeeta. Write a speech on festival of colours. Sometimes we throw coloured water on

strangers. Describe why Holi is played and How it should be played.                                     10M


5.Do as directed: - (10)

(i) He requested me for help. (Change the simple sentence into complex sentence)

(ii) Unless you love all, they will not love you. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘If’ in place of ‘Unless.)

(iii) The door is very high. The baby can’t reach it (Combine the sentences using “so……that”)

(iv) The patient was so restless that he could not sleep last night. (Rewrite the sentence using “too….to “in place of “so………… that”.)

(v) The officer said to his peon, “Go away at once. “(Change the narration)

(vi) Suresh said to his wife, “Did you give pocket money to your son?” (Change the narration)

(vii) Teacher said to the students, “The Sun rises in east” (Change the narration)

(viii) Ramesh went to market. Ramesh wanted to buy some fruits and vegetables. (Combine the sentences using a non- finite clause.)

(ix) Open the door. [Change the voice]

(x) Who wrote this letter? [Change the voice]


Section C Literature and Long Reading Text [30 Marks]

6. Read the extract carefully and answer the questions that follow

Silence surrounds us. I would have
Him prodigal, returning to
His father’s house, the home he knew,
Rather than see him make and move
His world. I would forgive him too,
Shaping from sorrow a new love.

  1. Name the poem and the poet.                                            1
  2. What does the father not want his son to do?                 1

    iii.          (a) What type of silence is being referred to here?         2

(b) What two choices does the father have?                    2

(c) What does the poet want to shape?                             2

7. Answer the following questions. (3x2=6)

(i) The author’s grandmother was a religious person. What are the different ways in which we come to know this? 

(ii) Explain the concept of shanshui.

8. Answer the following questions in about 120-150 words.

Contrast the Chinese view of art with the European view with example. (6)


Describe the mental condition of the voyagers on 4th and 5th January.  (6)


9. What do you mean by nostalgia?   (2)

10. What were Ranga’s view on marriage?  (2)

11. Justify the title of the story ‘The Address’ (6)


Give the character sketch of Mourad. (6)


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