
Showing posts from February 27, 2021
  MODEL ANSWER PRE BOARD EXAMINATION 2020-21 (FEBRUARY) SECTION B (WRITING SKILL) GRAMMAR Q.06. Do as directed.                                                                                                          [1x10=10] (i) He requested that I should help him (ii) If you love all, they will love you. (iii) The door is so high that the baby can’t reach it. (iv) The patient was too restless to sleep last night. (v) The officer ordered his peon to go at once. (vi) Suresh asked his wife if he had given pocket money to her son. (vii) Teacher told the students that the sun rises in the east. (viii) Ramesh went to market to buy some fruits and vegetables. (ix) Let the door be opened. (x) By whom that letter written.          SECTION- C (LITRATURE TEXT BOOK) Q.07. I. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. (1X4=4) A. (d) Pablo Neruda B. (a) harm whales                                               C. (a) A still world witho